Dark Funeral frontman Heljarmadr has revealed he will be absent from the road this month, mainly putting his upcoming two winter solo tour dates on hold. The singer opened up on social media, explaining he has been hospitalized with “pretty severe thrombosis,” forcing him to cancel his two upcoming solo shows and putting additional appearances on pause.
The current shows include two upcoming solo dates: January 26th at Temple in Athens, Greece, and February 3rd at Kollektivet Livet Bar & Scen in Stockholm, Sweden. Between his solo schedule and dates set for Dark Funeral later in the year, these currently appear unaffected but anything can change depending on Heljarmadr’s recovery.
Heljarmadr said the following:
“Who wants to live forever? I’ve just returned from a really close conversation with Death himself but I’m not dead or dying yet. I suffered from a pretty severe thrombosis (blod clot), luckily I got hospitalized in time and I got the treatment needed to manage my condition, there’s also a long term plan in the making for maximum recovery. I’m being well taken care of and have the right people, and family, right here with me. Please respect my privacy.
What I need to tell you though, and this is the reason I feel obligated to make this ordeal public, is that I will not be able to perform on two of my upcoming shows and for that I am very frustrated. We don’t know exactly how extensive this will be, but as of now I will definitely not be able to do the Grá shows in Athens (Jan 26) and Stockholm (Feb 3). I am not allowed to by the medical team that is taking care of me, as it could put my health at risk. However! The shows WILL be executed by the rest of the band and Niklas will step in on double duty with guitar and vocals so the gigs are NOT cancelled. I do encourage you all to go and enjoy them, you are being given a unique performance and by doing so, you support Grá and you also support me.
Regarding future shows, me and my medical team are certain that I will be fully recovered in time and to fulfill everything else that is on my schedule. Thank you for understanding and I will tell you more when I can. Right now this is all there is to be said and I need time to rest to recover, thanks for your time. /Heljarmadr”