Photo: Freddie Ross

Photo: Freddie Ross

On October 14th, Brooklyn’s HAAN will release their debut album, Sing Praises, on Kaos Kontrol. Initially known as No Way, the band’s moody, sludgy punk fits in alongside bands they’ve shared the stage with like whores. and Coliseum. Featuring Chuck Berrett’s moody vocals and the drumming skills of Primitive Weapons’ Chris Enriquez, If Melvins and Unsane had a kid while under the influence of hallucinogens, it might begin to sound like “War Dance,” which we’re proud to debut today. Note: this isn’t exactly a true premiere, as Sing Praises was first released on cassette in 2014, but if you’re you’re not one of the 100 people that bought the limited-edition cassette, then it’s new to you! They’ll be working on their proper debut album to be released in Spring of next year.

The band will be playing this coming Wednesday (28) in Brooklyn with Spotlights and Netherlands at Saint Vitus Bar.

Sing Praises will be released on Kaos Kontrol on October 14th and can be pre-ordered here.

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Bram Teitelman