Paws, Pets & Metal is Metal Insider’s newest column on bands with pets, discovering who watches them on the road, and more. Get to know more about these metal furbabies. We caught up with Waves In Autumn guitarist Lorenzo “Airon” Airoldi, the Italian metalcore group, who just released their new single “Foxland,” and set for a new chapter with their upcoming EP, Burning Season, set for an early 2024 release. Airoldi revealed his two Corgis are exposed to all music.


Tell us more about your pet(s) and their names?

My pets are two beautiful Welsh Corgis Pembroke named Olaf and Zoe, Olaf is the older one and he’s super playful and energetic, he runs around all the time and loves to play fetch, while Zoe is younger and she’s very quiet and cuddly, she likes to sleep a lot and to hide in strange places like under the beds or in the closets.





Have you ever taken your pet on tour?

No and I don’t think I ever will, even if they are very polite and nice around people and other dogs, I even took them with us (the band) at a couple of photo shoots. But they need a certain attention that it’s kinda impossible to provide when on tour, not to mention that dogs have a very sensitive hearing that it’s incompatible with loud hardcore and metal shows and potentially harmful. 





Who looks after your pet while on the road?

Well they’re living with me and my family so I have both my brothers and my parents at home looking after them if I’m out of town




What’s your pet’s favorite song or album?

I guess that both of them likes all kind of music because me and my brothers listen to a lot of different genres, but I’m convinced that Zoe really enjoys both hardcore and metalcore because every time I’m practicing songs she loves to come near and lean between my feet or under the desk, and sometimes when i’m listening to heavy records she even feels the energy and start moshing and attacking Olaf (always playfully btw).





How did you introduce your pet to metal?

I don’t know, but since they were little puppies they always heard me practicing the guitar or listening to music, so I guess they were naturally introduced to certain sounds from day one, and they always seem to like those moments in which we are spinning some records with some friends, they stick around and enjoy the mood


What animal charity means most to you?

I really don’t have a favorite charity. I actually think that all the initiatives from small, local animal shelters to big organizations like sea shepherds are vital in order to establish a better relationship with animals and to defend all nature from environmental and human abuses.