Paws, Pets & Metal is Metal Insider’s newest column on bands with pets, discovering who watches them on the road, and more. Get to know more about these metal furbabies. We caught up with Orchid’s Curse as they reveal one of their dogs prefer thrash and death metal over black metal. 


Tell us more about your pet(s) and their names?

[Brian] 2 dogs: Josie is a Boston Terrier (14 years old)  and Suzie is a Valley Bulldog (10 months old)


[Keith] 2 cats: Fuzz (7 years old) and Morty (6 years old) 

[Alex] 1 cat: Marjorie (1.5 years old)

[Josh] 1 cat and 1 dog:  Rosie (14 years old) and Goku is a shih tzu (8 years old) 



Have you ever taken your pet on tour?

[Josh] Not on Tour however I used to take Rosie to Nova Scotia Music Week when it was in Truro, NS. She’d spend 4-5 days at the hotel with me. All the musicians loved to stop by to visit her and give her extra attention and treats. 

Who looks after your pet while on the road?

Our significant others take on single-pet-parent duties whenever we are on the road. 

What’s your pet’s favorite song or album?

[Josh] Although Goku has a corpse paint pattern, he’s not a big fan of black metal. He’s more into Thrash and Death Metal.

How did you introduce your pet to metal?

Music is always playing in our houses so the pets have no choice but to become metalheads. Brian has a basement studio where we tracked guitar, bass, and vocals for our new EP ‘THE DECAY’ so his puppers have definitely heard their fair share of metal music. In fact during the quiet part of ‘The Divergence of Man,’ Brian’s pup Bella (who recently passed away) can be heard barking faintly. He kept it in the edit as a tribute to her. 

What animal charity means most to you?

[Josh] For me Bide Awhile Animal Shelter in Nova Scotia has a place in my heart. I volunteered there for a bit a few years back and also that’s where I adopted Rosie from. 

[Alex] I adopted Marjorie from Southpaw