Paws, Pets & Metal is Metal Insider’s ongoing column on bands with pets, discovering who watches them on the road, and more. Get to know more about these metal furbabies. We caught up with Tigguo Cobauc as their pets heard it all with being at the same level as the floor-level speaker.
Tell us more about your pet(s) and their names?
Antoine (Drummer): Bonnie is a cross beagle/spaniel. Chi, Mouche, and Suki are cats of various ages and colours. They don’t necessarily get along together so I sometimes have to chase the dog chasing a cat etc. But that’s alright.
Wayne (Keyboards): I have 2 Cats Ruby & Cali & a shark named Snappy.
Luca (Guitars): I have two cats, Luna (female maine coon) and Noah (male tuxedo).
Have you ever taken your pet on tour?
Antoine: No ! The cats would hate that. Bonnie might like it though, but I think she enjoys her little cosy life at home more than the rockstar lifestyle on the road.
Wayne: No, that would be chaos!
Luca: I think Luna probably wants to come, but Noah is too scared of loud noises and strange people.
Who looks after your pet while on the road?
Antoine: My daughter is in charge when I’m not around. The cats are independent enough not to care too much while I’m gone.
Wayne: Family mainly
Luca: my wife, if she’s not on tour with me.
What’s your pet’s favorite song or album?
Antoine: They’re really into relaxing music for cats and dogs, which has proven useful for long car journeys or on fireworks night (which happen often in Nottingham). I suspect that this music is about calming the owners rather than the animals, it’s a chain reaction. I’m not sure that I feel that music that relaxing though.
Wayne: The cats are into anything, Snappy unconfirmed but Handel’s water music is a good guess.
Luca: I remember when Luna, as a kitten, liked Red Hot Chili Peppers; I think now both cats prefers Dead Can Dance music.
How did you introduce your pet to metal?
Antoine: The speakers are on the floor and so are the pets, so they’ve heard it all. They don’t mind that much to be honest since it started when they were very young. The cats still run out of the drums room when I grab the sticks, which I find a bit rude, but I think they’re just very very sensitive to noise.
Wayne: Cali likes to sit in guitar cabs, especially if Im playing
Luca: Most of the time, Luna comes into my mastering studio; she sits near the outboards and relaxes.
What animal charity means most to you?
Antoine: Tigguo Cobauc is 3/4 vegan so we’re very sensible to animal welfare, pets and any other animals included. So even though I support different sanctuaries and the Hunt Saboteurs, I’d say that my favourite charity is the Animal Liberation Front.
Wayne: Any that can actually make a difference
Luca: Personally, I have always supported the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.