Paws, Pets & Metal is Metal Insider’s newest column on bands with pets, discovering who watches them on the road, and more. Get to know more about these metal furbabies. We caught up with Canada’s Black Daggers, who just released their debut album, Phantasmagoria, as they shared details on the young Husky/Pit Bull Terrier mix named Dancer who was exposed to metal since day one. 


Tell us more about your pet(s) and their names?

I own a 14 month old Siberian Husky/Alaskan Malamute/American Pit Bull Terrier mix named Pvt. Dancer (bonus points to anyone who gets the reference! – Metal Insider’s guess is here) You can follow him on Instagram: @PvtDancerAdventures



Have you ever taken your pet on tour?

Not yet! Maybe in the future, but he’s happy to stay home for now. 


Who looks after your pet while on the road? 

A family member watches over him while I’m away. 


What’s your pet’s favorite song or album

Phantasmagoria by Black Daggers, of course! He actually loves the intro to the show Bluey haha.




How did you introduce your pet to metal? 

With music being such a big part of my life, he was exposed to it from day one! Whether in the car, or at home. 


What animal charity means most to you? 

I really enjoy the Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary, located here in Central, Alberta. You can learn more about their Sanctuary here:




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Zenae Zukowski