Black metal outfit from Grand Rapids Hellish Torment released their self-titled debut album earlier this year, on April 26th. Going against label standards, the group, formed in 2016, has been self-financing, creating, and making things happen with a DIY method, bringing in sounds from old-school black metal with Immortal influences mixed with melodic death and a tinge of power metal. The rawness speaks for itself, which, in the end, is one well-thought-out album worth listening to and adding to one’s collection. From humor to subliminal messages about the present state of the world executed with pure brutality, Hellish Torment has a uniqueness, making them stand out, ready to push further into their musical career. Earlier this year, Metal Insider met with mastermind The Soulbutcher to discuss the record.

What was the creative process to get your debut record together? How long has it taken? 

Okay, so for that really was just the urge of getting it done before 2024’s festival season. Yeah, I wanted to get that all done so that I can go to festivals and promoters.

Can you talk more about the album artwork and  the whole aesthetic that you’ve been going towards? 

I contacted one of my friends who said she was interested in doing art for us, and I told her, yeah, go ahead, send whatever you got. I didn’t know if she was going to paint, draw and so she took some photos of random stuff and also did some very good editing. And that is my friend Christina Hatcher. Denver, Colorado. 

Can you talk about the music videos that you’ve been releasing? 

Okay, so the first one, “Dead and Rotting,” we actually did that in the studio when we were recording the album. Our engineer said he can also do video work, and he said, hey, yeah, let’s do videos with you. And yeah, that one was recorded right there while we were recording it. as well as our third video, “Into the Abyss.” 

He had a cool set up in this hallway with these LED lights, and that looks great. But, the video for “Demons of the Cold,” we did have that planned. I mean, ever since we wrote that song, we said, okay, this song is our immortal song. And so it was. Even the video was heavily influenced by old immortal videos from the 90s.


Are you working on any tours or any live shows coming up? 

We got a show coming up in our city later in the year, but I don’t know if I can announce it yet. and we are willing to get on tours and festivals if we get the right offers. We’ve been given a few, but we’re not really down with the whole pay to play thing. But, yeah, if something good comes on more affordable. We’ll do it. 


How has it been  for you as an independent artist, doing everything on your own? 

Oh, God. It’s a nightmare. But at the same time, we’re not going in the red with the label. So, yeah, it’s good and bad. It’s just that I have to keep my full time day job and work my ass off for everything, but, yeah, I’m glad that we are doing this. And we do, registrations for the rights to the music, which is amazing. 


Who is Hellish Torment? What is your sound? What do you want people to get from your music? 

I mean, I think I want to bring black metal, or at least American black metal back towards its roots. And, you know, because I feel like American black metal has gone very atmospheric. And, yeah, they’re going with what Darkthrone preaches for its roots. But I want to bring it back towards Satanism. It’s like this America is becoming very Christian, conservative, and I feel like it’s just taking over. And it’s my middle finger to the evangelicals.

Now that the album’s been out, how has the response been thus far?

It’s really great. yeah. I just saw a review today where a page gave us eight out of ten. Yeah, I’m very pleased with the reactions we’re getting. 

Do you have any plans on working on a new album or anything you want to let your listeners know?

I mean, I have plans, but I don’t know if one day will come to be like that. I don’t like to do what I show this year more promoting and hopefully tour next year. So as for writing new stuff, we’re not really doing that yet. 

Is there anything else you want to say or add about the album?

Enjoy the music.