UK’s doom act Darkher have released their sophomore effort, The Buried Storm, last Friday (15th) via Prophecy Productions. We caught up with mastermind Jayn Maiven to discuss the record. 


What was the process like recording The Buried Storm?

I took the time it needed to let the songs evolve. The recording process was quite slow due to the pandemic and the effects of lockdowns, as drums, cello and violin parts had to be done remotely rather than recording everything in my studio in single sessions.


How would you compare The Buried Storm to your 2016 debut, Realms?

I see it as a continuation of  creativity. I feel like it has many similar elements in the instrumentation, though I put even more emphasis on the vocal harmonies as a feature on this record and I feel it leans towards a more cinematic feel.


How has the pandemic influenced the writing for the new record?

The effects of the pandemic were actually quite beneficial for me, to be able to take time out from any tour dates and really focus on the writing and recording. I also spent even more time alone, which I found to be very necessary for the writing process.


What songs were more challenging to write?

‘The Seas’ went through several changes, so I think that was the most challenging of them all. In the end it was recorded for the bonus disc but when it came back from mastering, I felt it belonged on the main album.



Can you talk more about the songs “Unbound” and “Love’s Sudden Death?”


Unbound was written entirely as an outtake whilst recording the guitars on another track. It was late one night and the song just came through as you hear it- guitar, lyrics and vocal part. I felt that the words came to me like a complete incantation, which is why it remained as a short song.

 Love’s Sudden Death was written as a dark romantic ballad. It was inspired by the mood of the landscape, which has its own melancholy and drama. It felt to mirror the emotions of lost love in the death of winter.





 What was your experience creating the video for “Where the Devil Waits?”


The video was a collaboration between myself and Photographer Kathryn Pogue. I’ve worked with Katy on images and videos for quite a number of years now. Katy shot all the footage and I directed and edited the final video. We took a road trip to Cumbria to collect imagery for the album cover and footage. The video for ‘Where The Devil Waits’ was shot in the grounds and victorian gardens of Muncaster Castle. Walking around the grounds we found images that felt symbolic to reflect the lyrics of the song and It came together in a really natural and creative way.





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Zenae Zukowski