newyorktimes-logoTo be fair, the following quote is attributed to a Best Buy salesman, who should be the last authority on the subject, but its context seems to imply the Old Gray Lady buys it:

He suggested that video games deserved some credit for the resurgence of interest in vinyl albums and turntables. Popular games like Guitar Hero and Rockband have introduced young customers to classic rock and pop artists like the Beatles and Metallica, while DJ Hero has inspired some to try their hands at mixing music for real.

Just to make sure we’re all intelligent critical thinkers, kids aren’t the ones snatching up vinyl, which did see a large boost in 2009. While the gaming craze has renewed interest in classic artists, those consumers are buying singles of the tracks on iTunes and AmazonMP3. Young, casual fans have iPods, not turntables. Maybe they didn’t realize classic albums are available on formats other than the one of their original release? I believe vinyl will outlive the CD, but it is and will remain a market for collectors and uberfans.