Metal Inside(r) Home Quarantine is Metal Insider’s new column during this time of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We asked artists five questions on what’s been keeping them busy ranging from their favorite movies, food they’ve been eating, music they’ve been listening to and more. We caught up with Varius drummer Vlad Prokhorov as he’s been spending this time practicing a lot of drums. 


What have you been doing to pass time during Quarantine?

To pass the time during quarantine I have been practicing a lot of drums, learning different techniques, started studying with a drum teacher, learning more about recording and tuning my drums, learning DAWs, how to mix, how to make videos, started up a new home workout routine, reading and meditating. I have been keeping myself busy.


Have you been listening to any music or have any playlists worth checking out?

Yes. Check out Dirty Loops, Animals as Leaders, Snarky Puppy, Chon, and the new Gojira, Devin Townsend and Liquid Tension Experiment.


A lot of people have been spending this time cooking, including making their own bread. What food have you been prepping during this time?

During the quarantine I discovered smoothies. Here’s daddy’s secret recipe: spinach, broccoli, carrots, ginger, avocado, banana, almonds, flax and OR chia seeds, and frozen fruit like pineapple or blueberries. You’re welcome.


In terms of entertainment, what movies, TV shows, books, or games have been keeping you busy?

During the start of the pandemic Final Fantasy 7 remake came out so all I did was play that, then started reading as well. Books like, Atomic Habits, 12 Rules for Life, Ask and it is Given, and Lord of the Rings to name a few.


What advice do you have for your fans in isolation during this time?

Treat this rare break from the rat race as a blessing. It’s a time to regroup, ground yourself, and really take a look at what’s important in your life and where you want to be in the future.


Thanks for the questions, that was fun. Stay safe and see you in the pit……eventually.



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Zenae Zukowski