iwrestledabearonce Apparently Filming Mini-Horror Film

Earlier this week, Under The Gun Review discovered that iwrestledabearonce has filmed their very first horror film. This comes after The PRP discovered that the band were filming some sort of mini-movie last month. Apparently the mini-movie features the band members...

Slash: Guitarist, Icon, And…Disney Star?

Have you ever seen Slash perform with a cartoon? Oh that’s right – a lot of people saw the Super Bowl this year. At any rate, the onetime badass has performed with Jim Carrey, Jamie Foxx and numerous other random celebrities (both on his solo album and...

Shia LaBeouf To Film Marilyn Manson Documentary

You most likely know Shia LaBeouf from his acting in the Transformers films. You may even know him from his Disney Channel days. As of late, though, when Mr. LaBeouf is done battling talking robots and hooking up with co-stars, he dabbles with music videos. LaBeouf...

Tool Sell Out For Captain America Trailer

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBCozy67VIQ[/youtube] Okay, maybe we’re overreacting here, but we were surprised to hear Tool’s “Forty Six & 2” prominently featured in the trailer to Captain America: The First Avenger. It’s...