To say Max Cavalera is busy is an understatement. In a recent update on Soulfly’s Facebook page, there’s an update posted about all the various items on Cavalera to-do list.
“There are loads of things going on for Soulfly! In March, Max will head to LA to add the vocals and bring in guest musicians to contribute to Soulfly X! European festivals starting to come in..all still secret! Busy now with Killer Be Killed in Australia and Cavalera Conspiracy tours in the works! Everyone should be getting their ‘Max-fix!'”
A Soulfly album, which they’ve been working on since January, will be the first new album since 2013s Savages, and seems to be called X, according to various postings on their Facebook page (and in the above quote). This makes complete sense since this would be Soulfly’s tenth full-length album.
(via ThePRP)