Hey, remember when you went to read Metal Insider yesterday and couldn’t for a while? That’s because we were knocked offline due to some d-bag with a radio station tattoo on his forehead. Perhaps we should back up a bit: Yesterday, a Reddit user submitted a story we’d written three years ago about a now-defunct radio station that offered a six-figure payout to anyone dumb enough to tattoo their station logo on their forehead. Long story short, it didn’t work out for anyone involved.
We’ve been mentioned on Reddit before, usually on Shreddit, but for some reason this story took off. Like really took off, to the point of slowing down Metal Insider and sister site The Laugh Button, then knocking them offline. In the two hours or so that before the site was knocked offline, we essentially more than quintupled the traffic we get in a day, overwhelming our poor server. In the words of Reddit user danisanub, who submitted the link, it ‘hugged [our] website to death.’ Thanks for the love/support Reddit, but you didn’t quite kill us. Now we’re back and fully operational.