10) Demiser, Slave to the Scythe (Blacklight Media)
South Carolina Black/Thrash dealers Demiser deliver their second full-length LP. Not far off from their debut, “Through the Gate Eternal,” Demiser permeates this record with a scorching conjunction of Black and Thrash Metal that is sure to increase your blood pressure. Blazing riffage, some of it with a tinge of influential flavor from the Destruction/Kreator species, dominates the album with blackened punchy hooks that land like an unexpected uppercut. Frantic and nerve-wracking, Demiser blazes through this record with hellish fury and intensity, the raspy growl vocals riding wild waves of riffs amid bombastic drumming. Production is off the hook crisp; you can hear it all perfectly. These guys have been around the block in previous bands and their musical acumen shows on this record. Taken up a notch from “Through the Gate Eternal,” Demiser is here to stay, and they just keep getting better.
09) Midnight, Hellish Expectations (Metal Blade Records)
The renowned Black/Speed Metal mastermind Athenar has yet again stunned us with another nuclear bombshell release. I hold in high reverence musicians who can do this stuff all by themselves. And though it has become more common for there to be one- and two-piece collabs, Athenar stands out because he is so prolific in his work, he has a discography list that is taller than I am. I can barely write a sentence for a verse. Athenar also kicks royal ass live. The musicians he brings out with him seem to breathe the same air. Hellish Expectations is indeed more of Athenar’s signature loud, rambunctious, barroom-brawling, boisterous, obnoxious, out-of-control, sexually charged rampaging. Shades of Motörhead as is sometimes usual, but that shouldn’t bother anyone. Not for the weak of heart. Athenar is incapable of composing a bad track, and I have no doubt he will be releasing more excellent metal, and playing live more in 2025.
Key Tracks “Deliver Us To Devil”/“Slave to the Blade”
08) Unholy Altar, Veil of Death! Shroud of Nite (Liminal Dread Productions)
These wild Black Metal killers from Philadelphia have gotten my attention with their debut full-length piece “Veil of Death! Shroud of Nite”. Abrasive, unsettling, insanely extreme, and quite disturbed – but that’s always been right down my lane. This record is chock full of Black Metal at it’s finest. Noisy and esoteric, deep seated scream vocals attempt to penetrate the constant deluge of outrageous, deadly blackness shifting and writhing like a whirling dervish boring a hole right through the center of your skull. Reminds me a tiny bit of the top-notch Norway ass-kickers Asagraum, however, it really is a different sound. Unholy Altar knows what it’s doing. Each track brings its own black deliciousness, and they all sound different, as opposed to 30 mins of what could feel like the same track, which a lot of inexperienced Black Metal bands seem to do. Unholy Altar are set to burn the world down and I for one will be front and center when they do.
Key Tracks: “Infernal Flesh”/“Black Winds of Nocturnal Dismay”
07) Anciients, Beyond The Reach of The Sun (Season of Mist)
The progressive metal masters Anciients from Vancouver, British Columbia had taken a long break for family/personal reasons since their 2016 release “Voice of the Void”, and I am so happy that they have come back to us. This band is smart, highly talented and accomplished at their instruments, but beyond that, they understand promise, anticipation, foreshadowing, surprise and enchantment, all of which are on display in their incredibly adept songwriting. It all becomes clear the second the first track “Forbidden Sanctuary opens, with a foreboding arpeggio that sounds like a floating harpsichord which morphs into a cosmic electric riff that takes off into the stratosphere. By the end of the track the band is destroying everything in their path. Dig the fluid vocals, the counterparts, polyrhythms, syncopations and complex layered sections melded together throughout this mind-blowing record. But it’s not so high-minded that it gets away from you – quite the opposite, its pleasing sonic exposition that always leans toward heavy urges you to indulge. Anciients distinct soundscape deserves beaucoup accolades for the very hard work, thoughtfulness, and musicianship they put into each track.
Key Tracks: “Despoiled”/“Forbidden Sanctuary”
06) Enforced, A Leap Into Dark (Century Media)
Richmond, Virginia Thrash/Crossover killers Enforced deliver a savory, delectable EP of insistent, angry, dark tracks brutally executed as is their usual. Enforced’s brand of hard-hitting, in your face style is somewhat reminiscent of Obituary, and Death but not enough that their own signature sound is blurred. You’ll immediately recognize who made this EP the second you drop your needle onto “Betting On The End” as she chugging begins. The game is rigged, the band warns, it’s all over, and we’re along for the ride. Adeptly executed thrash metal with a splash of death, the way it’s supposed to be blended. “A Leap Into Dark” is old-school raw, dirty, raging and powerful with tasty riffs and grooves throughout. Although I am not really a fan of covers, Enforced does an excellent job of bringing their own brand to “Deadly Intentions” (Obituary), and “The Chase Is On” an out of left-field English Dogs cover. There is also a cool remaster of the 2021 track “Casket”. With Enforced you can always be assured of getting the real thing as this band does not fuck around. Turn this one up loud until your windows shake.
Key Tracks: “A Leap Into Dark”/“Betting On The End”