Merry Christmas from Metal Insider

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from all of us at Metal Insider, our sister site The Laugh Button and our parent company The Syndicate! We’ll be back tomorrow, unless something crazy happens, like santa’s sleigh colliding with Iron Maiden’s 747 or...

How Iron Maiden beat piracy in South America

It’s always encouraging to see a metal band get covered by non-metal media, for whatever reason. Lately, the internet has been abuzz about an article on an IT website called Citeworld. Doesn’t necessarily sound like two things that fit together, but stay...

Metal Insider’s Top 10: Shocking Moments of 2013

Tis the time when everyone starts celebrating the best of the past year’s albums with a flood of “Best Of Lists”. But while 2013 was filled with great music, it also had plenty of shocking moments. While some brought joy and others brought dismay, these moments left a...