This Kid Really Likes The Dillinger Escape Plan

[youtube][/youtube] YouTube user HelloILikeMetal filmed his reaction to “Prancer,” the first song on The Dillinger Escape Plan’s One of Us is the Killer, on YouTube. And as hard as he tries, the kid is no Benjamin Weinman....

Visa Issues Force Hypocrisy Off Tour

The Krisiun tour has gotten a little less, um, hypocritical, as Hypocrisy have been forced to pull out of the tour, along with Aborted. The band’s label, Nuclear Blast, makes it seem like it’s a visa issue preventing the band from touring, citing...

Eighth Annual Sound And Fury Fest Canceled

If you were planning to get your hardcore fix at this Summer’s Sound and Fury Festival this July in California, you’re going to have to wait until next year, as the festival has been cancelled. The organizers canceled what would have been the eighth...