Omega Infinity, the duo project featuring Xenoyr (Ne Obliviscaris) and Tentakei P. (Todtgelichter), have recently announced their new album, The Anticurrent, is scheduled to arrive on February 24, 2023 via Season of Mist. Today (14th), the group has unveiled a 360° video for their new single, “Iron Age.”
The duo comments:
“And as the universe had pulled itself from chaos into order, the eternal dance of dust and matter cradling the formation of celestial bodies and myriads of galaxies, a cancer spreads out into the universe – a remnant of chaos, spawning and spreading like mold through superclusters everywhere. Like bones ripped from its own flesh, this force harvests resources to form weapons meant for destruction and demise. Wherever there is life, there is conflict. This is the birth of war – the birth of the new Iron Age!”
Watch the clip below and pre-order the album here: