If you haven’t seen “Newborns,” or “Benjamin Butthole Surfers,” the video with Job For A Cowboy bassist Nick Schendzielos and Dave Davidson from Revocation, then consider yourself slightly lucky. It’s very disturbing and creepy. You should probably watch it anyway, as it’ll make you look at babies in a different light. Or at least the same light as you saw them when they were getting the hell beat out of them in the Circa Survive video. Regardless, once you’ve gotten a chance to see that video, you should take a look at this clip from Comedy Central’s @Midnight from last night. The video made its way on to there, where host Chris Hardwick showed a clip, then donned a baby mask of his own to masturbate on his guests and the audience. Yeah, it’s about as weird and creepy as the video.
Job For A Cowboy/Revocation video makes it onto Comedy Central @Midnight
by Bram Teitelman | Jan 30, 2015 | News, Video | 0 comments