The manslaughter trial of Randy Blythe has wrapped up it’s fifth day, with testimony from a pair of psychology experts, the security guard that threw a fan to the ground, and a female fan taking the stand. One psychologist, citing a speeding ticket and public disobedience fine, argued that Blythe may have some antisocial personality traits. Another psychologist disagreed, saying that Blythe didn’t meet several of the conditions for antisocial personality disorder.

A 19 year-old female fan stated that she was in the front row at the concert and saw Blythe push Daniel Nosek “with a lot of force on the shoulders off the stage.” She said that when he fell, the crowd parted. Blythe’s legal team filed a brief on body mechanics stating how Nosek’s body would fly off the stage, but the prosecutor objected, saying the the witnesses had already given testimony. That’s despite the fact that witnesses have given varying testimony.

Tomorrow, George Strauss of the Prague Police Department will take the stand, then closing statements will occur. One way or the other, Blythe will finally get the closure he’s looking for tomorrow. He faces 5-10 years in jail if found guilty, and the victim’s family is seeking $530,000 in damages.

[via The Gauntlet]

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Bram Teitelman