Metal By Numbers 3/2: Can you dig it?

Metal By Numbers 3/2: Can you dig it?

Metal By Numbers is a weekly column in which we look at the top metal sellers and debuts of the week. The death of a band member is a terrible thing, and on this week’s MBN we have two bands who suffered through such a trial, those being After The Burial and...

Metal By Numbers 1/7: Happy(ish) New Year

Metal By Numbers is a weekly column in which we look at the top metal sellers and debuts of the week. The metal world seems to be starting off 2016 in an odd place, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell you why. As such, there isn’t much in the way of...

Metal By Numbers 12/16: Put the charts on ice

Metal By Numbers is a weekly column in which we look at the top metal sellers and debuts of the week. Christmas is in a week, and that means children (and some adults too) are hoping against hope they’ll have a white Christmas. Of course, this all depends on...

Metal By Numbers 12/2: Rushing the holidays

Metal By Numbers is a weekly column in which we look at the top metal sellers and debuts of the week. Ah, December. Some love it, some hate it. For the rest of us, we embrace the oncoming chill of winter as the metal gods intended (unless you’re in Florida, in...