Metal By Numbers 5/21: Sales beyond the veil

Metal By Numbers is a weekly column in which we look at the top metal sellers and debuts of the week. The debuts are a bit bare bones this week (actually the charts are pretty small in general). That’s partly because of two bands I chose not to include: Incubus...

Metal By Numbers 5/15: The quest for Kamelot

Metal By Numbers is a weekly column in which we look at the top metal sellers and debuts of the week. So, MBN on a Friday huh? What gives you might ask? Well, pretty soon we’re going to start getting our new music releases on Fridays anyway, so oh well. Anyway,...

Six Feet Under take a Stab at a new song

For their eleventh album, Crypt of the Devil, Six Feet Under have taken a bold and fresh detour away from their signature death metal song. Nah, we’re just yanking your chain. SFU are like the AC/DC of death metal. In fact, the band even covered an entire AC/DC...