New Entombed WHAT?!

It’s been six years since an Entombed album, and while the band’s next album, Back to the Front, will be coming out in March, it seems like a song has leaked from it. “Vulture and the Traitor” can be streamed now, and will probably be coming...

Noctum’s Top 5: Swedish And Most Evil Bands

Noctum is a prime example of just how evil the citizens of Sweden can be. Their new album Final Sacrifice (out October 29 via Metal Blade) has many under their spell, with Decibel Magazine even hailing them as the new wave of Satanic rock. So we asked...

Unsigned & Streamed: Deathening

Why should major label bands be the only ones who get love? Unsigned & Streamed is a column where we stream a song from an unsigned band we at Metal Insider really dig. This week, we’re kicking the door down to bring you Swedish death metal act Deathening. Based...