by Jeff Podoshen | Mar 29, 2018 | Interviews, News
John Christ and I share many things in common. We both live and work near the Maryland/Pennsylvania border. Our wives both work with animals. We both teach college students. Both of us love Judas Priest. John Christ is one of the greatest metal guitar players of all...
by Zenae Zukowski | Mar 27, 2018 | News
Danzig has been added to this year’s already killer Psycho Las Vegas lineup. This August, the metal icon will perform his third studio album, 1992’s Danzig III: How the Gods Kill, in its entirety. It will be the only performance of this record in the US this year. The...
by Jeff Podoshen | Mar 22, 2018 | Interviews, News
As I wrote about a few months back, I have a strong admiration for Danzig. I’ve seen Danzig so many times and I have played Danzig I – IV, literally, thousands of times since they were released. With that, I was truly honored to meet one of...
by Zenae Zukowski | Jan 8, 2018 | News
It’s hard to believe that we’ve been screaming “Mother” for thirty years. The iconic tune debuted back in 1988, which was taken from Danzig’s self-titled debut album. Glenn Danzig has also noticed this special anniversary, and over this past weekend, he shared via...
by Jeff Podoshen | Dec 19, 2017 | Editorials
Is there anyone in metal who gets more unbridled disdain on social media than Glenn Danzig? Short of the egotistical capitalist parading as socialist Tom “Do you know who I am?!” Morello, I don’t think there is. And granted Danzig says some absurd statements, produces...