A California judge dismissed model Ashley Morgan Smithline’s case against Marilyn Manson on Tuesday (3rd). According to Consequence, Smithline’s attorney Jay Ellwanger withdrew his representation in October. Judge Fernando L. Aenlle-Rocha gave the model a ninety-day window to either hire a new attorney or represent herself. She failed to decide by the December 5th deadline. Smithline is one of the many women who accused the shock rocker of sexual assault, as well as human trafficking and unlawful imprisonment.


Manson’s attorney Howard King issued the following statement in response to the case dismissal:

“We thank and commend Ashley Smithline for dismissing her claims against Brian Warner without seeking or receiving anything in return. Ms. Smithline has refused to be manipulated by others who are trying to pursue their own agendas against Mr. Warner. We wish her well and will continue to work to assure that a significant price will be paid by those who have tried to abuse our legal system.”

According to Consequence and The Daily Mail, there has been a series of bizarre messages expressing that Smithline no longer wanted Ellwanger to be her attorney. Overall, this marks the second case against Manson to be dismissed. The first case was in May 2022 with Manson’s former assistant Ashley Walters, which was also dismissed. With two cases down, Manson still faces a lawsuit from Game of Thrones actress Esmee Bianco. Manson has since filed a defamation lawsuit against his former girlfriend, actress Evan Rachel Wood, and her former girlfriend, Illma Gore. Both were sued by the singer for intentional infliction of emotional stress, defamation, violation of the Comprehensive Computer Data and Access Fraud Act, and Impersonation over the internet.   


Manson’s last public statement was on March 3, 2022 expressing the following via Instagram: 

“There will come a time when I can share more about the events of the past year. Until then, I’m going to let the facts speak for themselves.”



If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual assault or sexual misconduct, please know there’s ways to reach out for support:

Visit RAINN’s website (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) or dial 800-656-HOPE (800-656-4673)