If there are moments in life that come together to create a perfect scenario, this has to be one of them. Someone went where no man has gone before and created what you and I have been thinking about witnessing at least once in your life time: A dude with cornrows, eating corn, while listening to Korn.

The majestic video surfaced a few days ago and the title describes precisely what is about with no more or no less to add. The only thing that makes me sad about this is that he didn’t choose to blast “Children of the Korn” but I guess that would have been way too corny.

That is all.


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Alix Vallecillo
Black Metal enthusiast from Los Angeles who thought was a good idea to grab a camera and shoot underground shows for the hell of it. Pseudo-writer with little to no expectations of ever winning a Pulitzer but totally down to write about your unknown band if it's good to my ears. I enjoy long walks on the beach, deep conversation, holding hands and attending Satanic music shows every now and then.