totadadWhat do you do when you’re home alone and your wife left you with three kids? Why, you learn to play drums magnificently with one hand while cradling them all! This daddy drummer is able to do a nearly flawless cover of “Americans” by This or the Apocalypse, all with his children attached to him.

His children (2 year-old daughter, and 8 month old twins) also must be some of the most patient children I’ve ever seen. Now, I know we’ve heard some awesome drum covers before, but what pushes this one over the edge for me is the decorative Winnie the Pooh plush dolls on the cymbals. I’m not sure if it can get much more metal than that.

For further humor, watch CNN cluelessly dismiss the kind of music he plays, and call This or the Apocalypse (a metalcore act) both speed metal and ska.
