11) Soen, Memorial (Silver Lining)

Soen somehow sneaks up on the radar and hits you with emotion that you didn’t think could be explored after one listen or through one song. It’s, once again, a powerful album with many layers of excellence. 

Key Track: “Hollowed”



10) Kalmah, Kalmah

Finnish melodic death metal underdogs Kalmah released an album this year. I’m not sure how many would have known that since there was very little U.S. press for them this year. However, I listened to this album quite a bit, and you should, too. 

Key Track: “Haunted by Guilt”



09) Therion, Leviathan III (Napalm)

While it’s unfortunate to see a mid-December release, Leviathan III is a beautiful, tranquil record closing the Leviathan chapters, each with a unique style. Christofer Johnsson is a brilliant writer with an incredible vision, leading to my suggestion to listen to all three Leviathan’s back to back. 

Key Track: “An Unsung Lament”



08) Sirenia, 1977 (Napalm) 

Sirenia continue to experiment with their styles, thanks to mastermind Morten Veland. However, this is one of the bands where a vocalist change works. Given, Emmanuelle Zoldan’s vocal capability may not be able to recreate the strengths from Ailyn, with, say, 2015’s The Seventh Life Path. However, Zoldan holds a unique force of her own that has been well received since 2016’s Dim Days of Dolor. With that being said, 1977 reawakens the harsher side of Sirenia, letting go some of the pop beats inserting more Sirenia-esque tracks, which inevitably brings Sirenia back in the top albums of the 2023 ranking. 

Key Track: “Deadlight,” “Nomadic”



07) Marduk, Memento Mori (Century Media)

Marduk are professionals in what they do, and it works well. Their music is consistently ruthless. You more or less know what you’re going to get with them, but add a bit more darkness to this record. 

Key Track: “Marching Bones”