credit: Steven Anthony Roe


Paws, Pets & Metal is Metal Insider’s newest column on bands with pets, discovering who watches them on the road, and more. Get to know more about these metal furbabies. We caught up with Contracult synth/vocalist BX bribes his pets with bacon treats to enjoy metal.


Tell us more about your pet(s) and their names?

 Right now I have a two-legged corgi mix named Rocket. He is a double amputee (missing his back legs) and is a double pain in my ass. Only half kidding. He is absolutely perfect to me but doesn’t really like anyone else. He’s got a couple rides of his own, just got him a new “wheelchair” and he’s zipping around Los Angeles, owning the streets. His sister Stella (who was a tri-pawd, but much friendlier) passed away a few weeks ago so our fam has been in a bit of a healing period. We miss her terribly.



Have you ever taken your pet on tour?

I have toured with other dogs but not my own, since Rocket is not friendly. I’ll say though that having a dog on the road really brightens everyone’s day, it’s the best.



Who looks after your pet while on the road?

I have been so fortunate to find a couple sitters that can handle my boy! They are angels. It took a lot of searching and patience. My most recent sitter I found through his vet. Hot tip – ask your vet if you have a pet that is a little more challenging, they may have recs!



What’s your pet’s favorite song or album?

Definitely every song off of The New Torment. He says he doesn’t know how to choose his favorite song because he loves them all!



How did you introduce your pet to metal?

I sat him down a few years ago and said “son, if you’re going to keep living here, this is the music you’re going to listen to, and you’re going to love it” and I gave him some bacon treats. Now every time I turn it on, he shuffles on over to where I keep the treats and waits. So how could he not love it?



What animal charity means most to you?

Best Friends Animal Society!