Paws, Pets & Metal is Metal Insider’s newest column on bands with pets, discovering who watches them on the road, and more. Get to know more about these metal furbabies. We caught up with Canada’s Ivy Gardens as they reveal their pets prefer heavy droning music for snoozing. 

Tell us more about your pet(s) and their names?

Myself, I have a dog named Lola, Sebastian has a cat named Chief, and Andrew has two dogs, one is Bandit, the other Koda. Also a cat, named Jasmine, a supremely mischievous creature.

Have you ever taken your pet on tour?

Nope, would be too stressful for any of our pets to travel in such a sweaty/confined space. We’re pretty DIY, not a lot of room for a little creature to tag along. Touring in the way we do can be very unhealthy for human beings, let alone pets. I’m sure they would enjoy the sights and smells on the off days though, exploring all the lakes, parks and public spaces we pass the time at on the road.

Who looks after your pet while on the road?

Our families look after them. They’re all pretty attached to the homes they’ve grown up in.

What’s your pet’s favorite song or album?

My pet would probably be Lola by the Kinks, hence the name. Not sure on the others pets, maybe the Halo theme? Some Kyuss perhaps? Sebastian’s cat Chief loves the track “Thebes”, by OM. He’s a big fan of heavy droning music he can snooze to.

How did you introduce your pet to metal?

Lola was forced to listen to us jam in my basement. Not a lot of soundproofing. Judging from her reaction when we come upstairs afterward, she’s a big fan. Chief was listening to industrial music like Swans since he was a kitten.

What animal charity means most to you?

The local SPCA. They have a lot of strays, and are often the only thing providing some sanctuary for many creatures brought into the world and left on
their own. Thanks!

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Zenae Zukowski