Seattle rockers Dead Bars are celebrating the release of their new album, All Dead Bars Go To Heaven, released on March 21st via Iodine Recordings. Moving forward with a fresh chapter, their latest offering showcases their most vulnerable side, bringing self-awareness and reflection, stepping away from their upbeat, beer-driven history. Metal Insider caught up with guitarist C.J. Frederick to discuss the new record further. 

What was the recording process like for the new album, All Dead Bars Go to Heaven?

There was more “pre-production” than any other Dead Bars release. We were working on songs during the pandemic, so there was way more downtime than any of us were used to. On top of all that, we had far more studio time booked than ever before. By the time we were actually in the studio making the album, there was a pretty clear vision for what we were doing and how we were going to do it. 

How would you compare the new album to your previous releases? 

We made the majority of our previous album, Regulars, in two days. All Dead Bars Go To Heaven was labored over a long time! Sonically, Go To Heaven has a more dynamic range with different tones and sounds on select tracks. Previously it was very much, “Ok, we’re ready play the song don’t fuck up!”

What was the biggest challenge in creating this album?

Feeling finished. Listening back and saying, “Ok this is it rather than wanting to dig in more and more.” I could have worked on this album forever. 

Can you talk more about the songs, “I Wanna Be A Ghost” and “Give the Metalhead a Hug?”

“I Wanna Be A Ghost” started with the chorus. I knew there was something there and I wouldn’t let it go. When I brought the first draft to the band we immediately started changing things about it. But then we would hit walls, get frustrated and work on something else. The version that made the album resembles the original more than anything else we attempted to do with it. Remember; keep it simple, stupid!

“Metalhead” began with the repeating hook, “give the metalhead a hug.” When Maiello brought it to me I remember laughing and thinking, “What the hell do I do with this?” But fuck it, we’re Dead Bars and we believe in each other. That said, I took it seriously, wrote the chorus and helped arrange the final version. When it was done I listened back and couldn’t believe what we made out of such a simple idea. Great song!

Were there any songs that almost didn’t make it onto the album?

We actually have five tracks from this recording session that did not make it on the album. Crazy to think about. Hope we get to release them one day cuz they’re all bangers.

After this album, what’s next for Dead Bars?

Believe it or not we’re already working on the next batch of songs. There’s going to be lots of shows, some tours and maybe a party or two before we do it all over again.

Is there anything else you’d like to say or add about the new album?

Dead Bars forever.


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Zenae Zukowski