Nate Gluck is a fixture in the New York and New Jersey hardcore scene. Currently in Ensign, he’s played in countless other bands, including Strength 691 and Nora. He found himself in a tough spot recently, when he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Not only are he and his wife currently unable to afford his treatment, they found their house being foreclosed on. In order to help him and his family pay for their bills and get through these difficult times, their close friend Jenna Ross launched a crowdfunding campaign to support them. In an amazing and touching example of the metal and hardcore community banding together, in less than 24 hours, the campaign has already raised over $60,000.

Ensign released this statement on their Facebook page:

“This is a tough post to make, but a necessary one. Nate recently got some news that nobody ever wants to hear. Nate is the heart and soul of Ensign, and through this band’s long and chaotic existence has always been the driving force pushing us to play shows, to write new music, to not rest on our past accomplishments but to keep going and be a better band tomorrow than we were today.

So if you can, please lend a hand to our friend, bandmate, and brother, because he needs it right now.”

While enough money has already been raised to get the Glucks out of foreclosure, they’re still seeking more money for treatment. You can donate to the campaign here.