Looks like things aren’t getting much better for the folks involved in the Death To All Tour. Beth Schuldiner, sister of the late Chuck Schuldiner, hopped onto the forums at SMNnews to deliver this statement:
I have to step in here. I am Beth Schuldiner, Chuck’s sister. I was at the New York show and all of the guys were UNBELIEVABLE!!!! AND, so were the fans! NO ONE can take this away from them!
Ian and Anton of Sick Drummer approached us; my family and Eric with this idea to do a small tour and aside from getting the band members together, a percentage of the proceeds would benefit the Charity, Sweet Relief; a charity which helps musicians and who did in fact help Chuck. I was initially concerned, as “benefits” have been done in Chuck’s name before, while Chuck was alive and still struggling to survive and the monies were stolen. I was assured by many that this would not and could not happen. You be the judges”
Fact-Our mother, Jane, is contacted each and every day by fans who have to this day NOT received refunds for cancelled shows.
Fact: The charity, Sweet Relief has received NOTHING!!! Not ONE CENT! And, the charity’s name was used in ALL advertising of the DTA tour; the fans, many of them, wrote to me prior to the show stating that they were thrilled to be a part of the show and that some of their money was going to help this charity.
Fact-Ian and Anton (Sick Drummer) have still given NO FULL ACCOUNTING of the tour which was required of them on their own contract signed by them!
Fact-all anyone has are promissory notes signed by them with a promise to pay the charity????!!!
Fact-None of the band members were involved in collecting money or disbursing any money-they simply played and played their asses off they did! Chuck would have been both AMAZED and so very proud of ALL of them!
Fact-Eric Greif went on the tour, but was REFUSED open access to see the accounting and OVER & OVER again was reassured by Ian and Anton that all was well. ONLY Ian and Anto had access to the money and the accounting.
Again-all of you be the judge. Sold out shows-No money for the charity. Mmmm….
I don’t know who “Project genesis” on this forum is, but I can only assume he is either mislead OR a party to Ian and Anton somehow.
There must be laws against this and I have contacted the fraud department of the New York Attorney general’s office to see what recourse we have.
With Kind Regards,
Beth Schuldiner
Well, this isn’t looking good. Keep in mind that this is only one side of the story, so no real judgement can be made as of yet. It just sucks that this tour was meant to be such a momentous occasion and now has all this controversy surrounding it.