Metal Inside(r) Home Quarantine is Metal Insider’s new column during this time of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We asked artists five questions on what’s been keeping them busy ranging from their favorite movies, food they’ve been eating, music they’ve been listening to and more. We caught up with As We Suffer vocalist Matt Caldwell as he’s been spending this time writing.


What have you been doing to pass time during Quarantine?

Trying to write as much as humanly possible. Quarantine has been incredibly difficult for everyone so we’ve been doing our best to keep writing and keep pushing forward.


Have you been listening to any music or have any playlists worth checking out?

Music has gotten us through. Every genre and style, some examples: Cannibal Corpse, Jewel, Tori Amos, Dream Theatre, Propaghandi, Deicide, Ed Sheeran, Pennywise, 8ball and MJG, Pimp C.


A lot of people have been spending this time cooking including making their own bread, what food have you been prepping during this time?

Lots of stews, chili, BBQ, salads, and fresh bread.


In terms of entertainment, what movies, TV shows, books, or games have been keeping you busy?

I watch a ton of old-school horror, mainly 80s and 90s cheesy straight-to-video films. Also, lots of Netflix binge-worthy shows.


What advice do you have for your fans in isolation during this time?

Do. Not. Give. Up. Hope. There is true blinding light at the end of this dark tunnel. We’ve been through FAR WORSE and will persevere.