shadowsfall2There’s nothing cool about anyone that steals from a touring band. There is something kind of cool about some dickbag that tries to steal from a band, but is prevented from doing so by the band and the audience. That’s what happened in Raleigh, NC last night while Shadows Fall was playing. They’re doing a pretty DIY tour this time, and don’t have a dedicated merch guy, so when they were playing, some guy tried to swipe their merch. Here’s what the band had to say about it via their Facebook page:

Last night we had a great show in Raleigh EXCEPT for the idiot who was nice enough to try steal our merch TWICE off our table as we played (tough to watch the merch when we are all on stage since we’re the guys who sell it on this run)… anyways our man Mikey leaped off stage and half the crowd gave chase too but unfortunately him and his buddy got away in a red Toyota/honda compact car with the license plate CFP4362 NC – so thanks to our fans who actually came to our aid to try to get this loser (you call yourself a “fan”?) – karma will get you for sure!!

Here’s to the crowd for noticing and also getting the guy’s license plate. The guy should know that merch sales is really the main way that touring bands make money. Shadows Fall is between albums right now, and while ticket sales help, merch can sometimes be the difference in gas money to get to the next show. So basically, by attempting to steal merch, the guy was taking money out fo the band he came to see’s hands and deserves whatever payback he might get.

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Bram Teitelman