
The Bay Area has more than it’s share of thrash bands, but Chemical Burn proudly have one foot in the past and the other in the present and future of thrash. Vocalist/bassist Mike Garnica started out as a tech for Laaz Rockit and Dragonlord, but now is the head of his own band, which also features former Circle II Circle guitarist Marc Pattison and seasoned drummer Kevin Jackson. The band’s sophomore album, Raining Anvils, was released this past August. This live performance of “Like A God,” which we’re premiering today, was shot at the 100th episode of a podcast, which Garnica explains:

“The song, ‘Like A God,’ has been a key song to the development and progress to Raining Anvils. It was one of the first songs that set the bar high for the power and energy we wanted to deliver from the new album. It has always been one of our favorite songs to play in general, but definitely one of our most well received songs to play live. It has a fierce and explosive drum intro that is maintained by some fast thrash moments that builds up to a crushingly heavy-grooved chorus that snaps the neck and socks you in the ribs and bruises the liver.

This video was shot at the 100th episode party for our friend’s podcast, Two Ts in a Pod. They record their show out at their own ‘Beer City Studio’ based out in an industrial area in Los Angeles. So on the weekends, with no one around to complain about the noise, the celebration began. They invited all of their punk rock friends and asked their favorite bands who have been guests on the show to perform. Knowing this is an intimate setting with the stage floor level and face to face with the crowd, we knew this group of people would get wild. So we asked our buddy to run around with a Go-Pro catching the madness. Everyone was drinking beer all afternoon and sure enough got good and rowdy by the time we took the stage. And as expected, when ‘Like A God’ kicked in, the cement floor cracked, roof lifted and an insane good time was had by all. It was a good old fashioned keg party that will go down on our ‘Fuck Yeah, Let’s Do That Again’ list for sure.”

Raining Anvils is in stores now on MegaSonic Records. You can pick it up here or from the band’s website.

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Bram Teitelman