
When you think of transportation, trains and planes probably come to mind before buses. That’s where Greyhound comes in, and they’re trying to change that by appealing to different audiences, like metal bands. In a new ad that’s been around for the last month or so, the bus company has made a relatively amusing Spinal Tap-like ad in which a band uses a Greyhound to travel to their next gig instead of a tour bus. It doesn’t necessarily mock metal, at least not that much. Instead, it shows off Greyhound’s $1 fares, free WiFi and power outlets and suggests that calm and attractive people take buses and that a metal band would be quiet and respectful while riding a bus. In short, it’s fictional, but does a good job of trying to get the bus company’s point across. And bonus points for using the Iron Maiden font.

[via Metal Injection]