Photo By: Kitty Catalino


Hailing from southern California, mathcore outfit The Arson Choir have recently unveiled a music video for their latest single, “Ravenous,” via War Against Records. Inspired by the film Ravenous and the anime Attack On Titan, the Mel Torres of Third Rule Creative-directed video captures frantic energy and themes of cannibalism.


Guitarist Marc Motley comments:

“‘Ravenous’ is the first release post-pandemic and following a massive line-up change. The departure of the band’s longtime drummer brought on new obstacles which can be felt by the anxious yet chaotic chords and structure featured on the single. This song forced me to rely on my own writing ability to devise a melody that encompassed what I was feeling at this moment and influenced the direction of the band.”


Phil Penegar adds:

“The song has more of a punk flair and Arson Choir wants to bring some spice to the Mathcore game. These violent delights have violent ends.”


Watch the clip below:

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Zenae Zukowski