Alice In Chains have premiered the eighth episode of Black Antenna. The series is directed by Adam Mason, which is set around the group’s latest effort Rainier Fog. The latest episode features the song “So Far Under.” Watch the clip below and check out Episode 7 here


If you saw the new Deadwood movie you might have caught Jerry Cantrell’s cameo appearance. The Alice in Chains guitarist commented about being a fan of the show and how he had become friends with W. Earl Brown and Robin Weigert over poker.

“Snuck into a shot or two in the Deadwood movie courtesy of W. Earl Brown. Standing next to Garret Dillahunt here. I am a huge fan of the show and have become good friends with Earl and Robin Weigert over the poker table and other shenanigans . I gave Ian McShane a vinyl copy of Rainier Fog that day too .Was fun to be in the background watching the professionals do their thing. Check it out cocksuckers ! @wearlbrown @robinweigert @garretdillahunt #deadwood themovie #hbo #rainierfog”

Catch Alice in Chains with KoRn and Underoath this summer. Dates can be found here.

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Chris Annunziata