
Last Wednesday (8), we were saddened by the news that Maylene and the Sons of Disaster and former Underoath vocalist Dallas Taylor was badly injured in an ATV accident. While the prognosis what that he would probably survive, there were a lot of things wrong with him, and last we’d heard, he was still unconscious. We have an update for you, but fortunately, it’s a good one. MATSOD bassist Brad Lehmann checked in with this update saying he’s awake and communicating now:

“Chad and I visited with Dallas today for a couple of hours. It is safe to say Dallas still has his sense of humor and loveable personality trapped underneath all the broken bones. He is communicating through gestures and simple sign language because of his broken jaw and trac. He looks really beat up, but he still looks like Dallas. He has made an incredible recovery since Tuesday when we expected the worst. As great of a visit as it was, it was also a sobering reminder of how far he still needs to go. Thank you to anyone who has donated, shared, or talked about the GoFundMe. The support so far has been incredible. Please lets keep it up. -bL”

It doesn’t seem like he’s out of the woods just yet, and the aforementioned gofundme campaign is still in full swing, having raised just about $15,000 of the $75,000 that they’re seeking.

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Bram Teitelman