by Metal Insider | Jan 16, 2015 | Dissident Aggression
Storytelling as an art form has existed for thousands of years. That doesn’t make crafting a good story any easier, especially in the musical world. The tries and failures of musicians to piece together story through music are well documented and the often...
by Metal Insider | Feb 21, 2014 | Dissident Aggression
It could be stated, with few arguments, that the British Isles have done more for the advancement of doom metal than any other part of the world. It could also be argued that if you were to make up a list of the greatest doom metal bands of all-time that it would...
by Metal Insider | May 24, 2013 | Dissident Aggression
What makes a good doom band? Sludgy guitars so thick they are the aural equivalent of molasses? Sabbath-like rhythm sections that do so much more than just ‘keep the time’? A vocalist with massive pipes, whether it be the clean or growling variety? ...