And Now A Massive Update From Cynic

Cynic fans have a lot to look forward to in the upcoming weeks. Just a day after releasing a teaser video, the progressive metal band offer the title track from their new EP Carbon-Based Anatomy (due out on November 11 via Season Of Mist). You can get your free...

The Faceless Release Statement Regarding Singer Switch

Last week, singer Derek Rydquist confirmed speculation that he parted ways with The Faceless. Shortly after his confirmation, the band released their own statement on Facebook. Guitarist Michael Keene had the following to say: “So, as some of you may have heard,...

Derek Rydquist Confirms Split With The Faceless

Earlier this week, singer Derek Rydquist gave a vague response to Metal Injection when asked to comment on why he wasn’t in Europe with his band mates. While he essentially said it by giving the “no comment” routine, Rydquist has now confirmed that he is no longer in...