by Metal Insider | Oct 23, 2015 | News, Touring
We’ve been pretty excited to champion new and developing artists at Metal Insider via our Amplified column. It’s even more exciting when bands go on to do stuff after we’ve spotlighted them. Anciients is one such band, and now Carnivora, who we...
by Metal Insider | May 8, 2015 | News, Video
[youtube][/youtube] If there’s one thing that all musicians have in common, it’s that everyone has an off gig or two. When we were at the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival, we got our friend Sean at Washed Up Media to ask...
by Nick DeSimone | Apr 3, 2015 | Amplified
Amplified is a weekly column focusing on new and emerging artists. Got a band that fits the bill? Email Melodic death metal scratches a very particular itch; it’s usually pretty straight-ahead, and when those riffs kick in,...