by Metal Insider | Aug 17, 2012 | Conspiracies Sell...But Who's Buying?, Metal Icon Equals Political Expert
[youtube][/youtube] It didn’t take long for reports of Dave Mustaine’s controversial comments in Singapore a few days ago to cause a small implosion of the Intertubes. The iconic Megadeth frontman, in a moment...
by Bram Teitelman | Aug 16, 2012 | Updates
Since posting the bizarre video of Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine losing his shit and parroting conspiracy theorists that claim President Obama staged the Aurora “Batman” and Sikh temple massacre, there’s been a lot of reaction. Most are taking it...
by Bram Teitelman | Aug 15, 2012 | Conspiracies, Video
[youtube][/youtube] Oh Dave Mustaine. As the frontman of Megadeth, he’s nothing less than an idol, the singer of one of the Big Four bands that’s still putting out good, relevant music. As a political commentator, he’s...
by Bram Teitelman | Aug 7, 2012 | Douchetastic, Merchandising
Last month, a sick individual slaughtered 12 people and wounded 70 in a Colorado movie theater. Two days ago, a racist skinhead killed six innocent people at their place of worship. And until several weeks ago, you could buy T-shirts from Emmure singer Frankie...
by Bram Teitelman | Jul 20, 2012 | Sad News
We’re still trying to wrap our heads around the truly horrifying slaughter that took place earlier today in Aurora, CO at a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises. As info starts to come out about suspect James Holmes, pundits and media will undoubtedly...