Heard of NYC death metal band Divine Infamy? You will soon. Their vocalist, Purgatory (or Shanna Spalding), has just been arrested for several robberies, one of which was done while she was wearing a cat mask. She was arrested in Manhattan yesterday after walking into a store in SoHo with a gun and demanding cash while wearing a burqa as a disguise. She’d gotten the attention of the New York media after robbing a high end gallery wearing a cat mask. We’d make a bunch of cheesy cat jokes, but the New York Post has already beat us to it. At any rate,the 28 year old Queens woman is wanted for robberies in Queens and Manhattan. I think it goes without saying that their show this Saturday at the Water Grill in Brooklyn is cancelled. You can see a picture of her in cuffs after the jump. Remember kids, crime doesn’t
spay pay! Also, being in a death metal band, you’d think she probably could have come up with some better disguises. Maybe she should have consulted Portal.
pics [via]