Whether you like to admit it or not, all metalheads like to take a break from metal. Regardless of the genre, we all have a tendency to want to expand our musical horizons. Revolver recently spoke to Aaron Turner of Isis/Sumac/Old Man Gloom, etc. discussing topics including an update from the studio for Sumac’s next album. During this conversation, Turner revealed his taste for the pop artist, Carly Rae Jepsen.
Turner expressed:
“You know, when we’re at my house and hanging out with my baby, we listen to Carly Rae Jepsen and we listen to the Ex Machina soundtrack and really broad swaths of things that mostly relate to what we’re doing in the context of Sumac.”
He elaborated:
“It’s absolutely for me, as well. I mean, the last Carly Rae record has gotten a lot of play, not just when the baby was around, but in the van when Sumac was on tour. And I know Brian really likes Perfume Genius and he’s played some of that stuff for us and I’ve gotten into some of that as a result, too. I’m not above liking pop music at all. I’m sure that many, especially of my Old Man Gloom bandmates, would accuse me of only liking high-brow artsy shit, even though they know that’s not the case, but that’s kind of like how they like to pigeonhole me as the “art asshole.” Write difficult songs or whatever. But you know, sometimes I like a break from really demanding music and I like stuff that’s fun and maybe even frivolous. I think music serves a lot of different purposes and I enjoy a catchy tune from time to time. That said, I’m probably just as picky about my pop music as I am about the kind of metal that I listen to. I feel like 95 percent of it is uninteresting to me and there’s just a few artists for whatever reason that appeal to my particular sensibilities. So yeah, I can still be an artsy asshole even about my choices in pop music I guess. [Laughs] You know it’s fun. It’s enjoyable and I definitely like it.”
Later, Turner admitted his need to take a break from intense music:
“……I need a break from intense music sometimes and pop music can be one of those things that provides a good outlet where I want to listen to something, but I don’t want to feel like every part of my being is required to get out of the music what you know the music demands.”
Read the full interview here.