Iron Maiden’s facebook have once again flickered with a short video tease offering a smidge of new information for fans to decipher. You can see for yourself below! First, Maiden’s profile picture changed to a graphic rendering of a twin spired tower surrounded by lightning, a figure standing between the peaks, skulls littering the base.

A new post reads, Thursday 15/07 You are invited to Belshazzar’s Feast – followed by a link to a teaser video on YouTube. The video shows a poster on a wall, the sound of cars driving by in the background, The poster is the profile pic with the words Belshezzar’s Feast up top, and below, Live Forever, Man or Beast, Heaven or Hell, 15/07, with IMXVII in the lower right corner.

The poster is torn away by a hand to reveal writing on the wall behind it. The letters WOTW. The sound of a spray can being shaken can be heard before the letter T is spray painted to create TWOTW. Also, #BelshazzarsFeast #IronMaiden were captioned on a post which reads “You are Invited” next to the poster from the video tease. Tomorrow we will all find out what these teases are leading up to. There is still plenty of speculation going on. We shall see.