Code Orange’s livestream series, You and You Alone, continues tonight (27th) at 8 PM EST via the band’s Twitch Channel. Installment 002 featured guitarist Reba Meyers, and tonight’s, Installment 003, the stream will be a conceptual conversation with Jami Morgan and Shade Balderose. The two will go into detail on their new album, Underneath, including the creative process that went into the cover artwork.


Read the group’s announcement below: 


b e h i n d t h e g l a s s: a conceptual conversation with J A M I and S H A D E

this Monday LIVE and FREE on our Twitch we will deep dive into the long and strenuous process of creating the art for U N D E R N E A T H and discuss some of the lore behind the album. From sketches, 3D rendering and life casting each other in our basement for months to making it all come to life. We will also be taking any and all questions you guys have about the album’s themes and conceptual ideas. Looking forward to this one. There will also be a very limited event shirt as always as well as a few new special items.

down we go”



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Zenae Zukowski