Founded in 1991, the legendary Mütiilation is regarded by many, including yours truly, as France’s definitive black metal outfit. We prayed to Satan for Mütiilation’s resurrection and have seen this enigmatic force return from the grave before. Yet, we honestly believed that the band had been laid to rest for the final time. Fortunately, Meyhnach proved us wrong by reviving his internationally beloved vampiric child yet again. For grim black metal souls, better news than this simply doesn’t exist. Although there has been a bit of confusion regarding when Mütiilation last seemed to have died, Meyhnach clarified in an interview from late 2017 with Invisible Oranges that apart from a one-off gig, which took place at Hellfest, the band had been inactive for 10 years.

On March 21, Meyhnach announced via his Facebook account:

“From Hell,
It all began over 30 years ago… The elder ones remember, and some of you have been following my work since my early days with Mutiilation. I’m addressing you in particular, you who have supported me throughout my work, but also through my other musical projects, which are merely satellites of a much darker entity. This entity, buried but not dead, whose return you hoped for but no longer expected, has just given birth to its seventh son. I am honored to announce the return of the black metal cult. It is alive, keep an eye opened.
Meyhnach Von Mutiil”

A couple of days later, Mr. Meyhnach then dropped the bomb about Mütiilation’s brand-new album, Black Metal Cult. On March 29, Osmose Records unleashed this glorious effort, which can be purchased here. It is a mind-blowingly excellent offering that demonstrates the true meaning of black metal. Meyhnach remains as brilliant and uncompromising as ever. Thus, Black Metal Cult represents the quickest way to obliterate posers.

Make sure to check out Meyhnach’s appearance on the latest triumph by Maxime Taccardi’s Kyūketsuki, In Hell I Shall Be Kinghere. Taccardi, our other favorite and most respected emissary of French black metal, likewise guested on Bukkake of Souls, the sophomore record by Meyhnach’s project Suicide Circle. Please enjoy our interview with Meyhnach about this stellar record. We were honored to have had the opportunity to speak with this music icon.