Given that Dragonforce’s biggest hit so far is “Through the Fire and Flames,” it would make sense they’d return to the element on their new album, Maximum Overload. This time, they looked to the Man in Black to cover Johnny Cash’s classic “Ring of Fire.” In case you were wondering what it sounds like, imagine Dragonforce covering “Ring of Fire.” Pretty much exactly like that. It’s good if you like Dragonforce and power metal, and if you’re a Johnny Cash purist, you’re probably wondering what’s wrong with the kids these days. Here’s what Sam Totman said about the song, which oremiered on the AV Club today, in between dodging questions about the band’s past in another interview.

“We got tired of hearing bands play covers exactly the same as the original and we always thought Johnny Cash was pretty cool. So we were like, let see what happens if we speed him up to 220BPM and plaster it with shredding guitars and huge soaring vocals and choirs! Basically give him an EXTREME DragonForce overhaul! Some people gonna love it, some might hate it but you definitely never heard Johnny Cash like THIS!!!”

Maximum Overload will be released on August 19th on Metal Blade. You can preorder it here.