I’m currently in the process of moving, so unfortunately I didn’t have my morning brew today as I’ve packed away my kitchen gadgets (ugh). As luck would have it, Revocation have me (and whether you’re going caffeine-less or not) covered with their latest ripper “Communion.” Who needs coffee when you have a barrage of maniacal thrashy death metal?
The track is exactly what you’d expect, and demonstrates why Revocation have been smashing faces for a decade. Light speed riffs in an interesting arrangement? Check. Relentless yet tasteful drumming? Check. Incomprehensible solo that you’ll need to replay about a million times? Check.
Great Is Our Sin, out July 22 via Metal Blade, preorders here. Just in time for you to get up to speed when you see them on The Summer Slaughter Tour this summer! These guys just have a way with timing, don’t they?